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 为全面提高广大考生的应试技巧和考试能力,帮****生实现 “用艺术成就未来”的理想,本院依托中国传媒大学














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七、报到须知:携带两寸照片一张 、艺术照、生活照各一张。 报到地址:中国传媒大学


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中国传媒大学是我国开创英语播音专业教育先河,以高瞻远瞩的目光抢占英播教育的制高点,以海纳百川的胸怀延揽天下英才,打造英播教育的至尊平台。中国传媒大学英播培训,包括双语播音,高考英播培训 自主招生英播培训 艺术特长生英播培训等志在打造英播精品教育,塑造你不凡的的人生

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Families are rationed to 80 bags of rubbish a year


   Families face being rationed to 80 bags of rubbish a year. Households throwing away more waste will have to take it to the tip or buy a limited number of extra bags.
   The scheme is already in use with one council, is being introduced by another and is under consideration by up to 180 more. The quotas are the latest attempt by local authorities to cut down on waste to meet EU targets.
   Doretta Cocks, of the Campaign for Weekly Waste Collections, said: ‘This is rationing. Some councils with fortnightly collections and wheelie bins are already doing it by reducing the size of their wheelie bins.
   “They must think we are idiots. How can they claim to be concerned for the environment when they tell people to drive to the local tip? And what do you do if you don’t have a car? Walk?”
   The quotas fly in the face of vows from ministers to end such heavy-handedness.
   The bag quota regime is to be imposed by the Tory-led council in Wokingham, Berkshire, and is already in operation in Broxbourne in Hertfordshire.
   Many of the 180 councils that still offer unrestricted weekly rubbish collections are watching the trial.
   Wokingham officials have told residents that 75-litre sacks will be given to each household and anything not left in them will not be collected.
“Every household will receive 80 bags every year,” it said. “You can buy extra bags in rolls of ten but this will be deterred as a general practice.”
   Families of five will get 100 rubbish bags a year and households of six or more will get 120. A council spokesman said yesterday that those who cannot keep to their quota will have to drive to municipal tips to get rid of their rubbish.
   Residents will have a weekly recycling collection limited to cans, paper and card, plastic bottles and aerosols.
   Plastic packaging, tinfoil packaging and glass including bottles must either go with the general waste or be taken to recycling points. Green waste pick-ups cost an extra £60 a year.
   The council, which charges a Band D council tax of £1,462 a year, has told residents it will save £922,000 a year under the new system. There will be no local consultation before it is introduced next April.









OBAMA: All right. I've got time for just a couple more questions. I'm going to find a journalist here.
(CROSSTALK) (场下记者举手,不时发出喊声)

OBAMA: All right. Here, I'm going to call on this gentleman right here. He's -- he's been very persistent.

RUI CHENGGANG: Rui Chenggang of China Central Television. It seems the world leaders have been talking about increasing the voice and voting rights of developing countries. I would like to ask two questions instead of just one. First one, on behalf of China...

OBAMA: I may choose which one I want to answer.
RUI CHENGGANG: of course.
OBAMA: That's always the danger of asking two questions.

RUI CHENGGANG: First one, you've had a very fruitful meeting with our President. And during the Clinton administration, U.S.-China relationship was characterized, in Clinton's words, "strategic, constructive partnership." During the Bush era it was -- the catchphrase, quote, unquote, "stakeholder." The Bush administration expects China to -- to become a responsible stakeholder in international affairs. Have you come up with a catchphrase of your own? And, certainly, it is not the G-2, is it?

And my second question is, on behalf of the world, politics is very local, even though we've been talking about global solution, as indicated by your recent preference over American journalists and British, which is OK. (Laughter.) How can you make sure that you will do whatever you can, so that that local politics will not trump or negatively affect good international economics?
Thank you, Mr. President.
OBAMA: Well, those -- those are excellent questions. On -- on the first question, your American counterparts will tell you I'm terrible with those little catchphrases and sound bites. So I haven't come up with anything catchy yet, but if you have any suggestions, let me know. (LAUGHTER) I'll be happy to use them.

In terms of local politics, look, I'm the President of the United States. I'm not the President of China, I'm not the President of Japan, I'm not the President of the other participants here. And so I have a direct responsibility to my constituents to make their lives better. That's why they put me in there. That accounts for some of the questions here, about how concretely does me being here help them find a job, pay for their home, send their kids to college, live what we call the American Dream. And I will be judged by my effectiveness in meeting their needs and concerns.


But in an era of integration and interdependence, it is also my responsibility to lead America into recognizing that its interests, its fate is tied up with the larger world; that if we neglect or abandon those who are suffering in poverty, that not only are we depriving ourselves of potential opportunities for markets and economic growth, but ultimately that despair may turn to violence that turns on us; that unless we are concerned about the education of all children and not just our children, not only may we be depriving ourselves of the next great scientist who's going to find the next new energy source that saves the planet, but we also may make people around the world much more vulnerable to anti-American propaganda.


So if I'm effective as America's President right now, part of that effectiveness involves holding a -- providing Americans insight into how their self-interest is tied up with yours. And that's an ongoing project because it's not always obvious.


And there are going to be times where short-term interests are going to differ; there's no doubt about it. And protectionism is the classic example. You can make arguments that if you can get away with protecting your markets, as long as the other folks don't protect theirs, then in the short term you may benefit. And it then becomes important not only for me to try to give people a sense of why, over the long term, that's counter-productive, but also it becomes important for me to put policies in place in the United States that provide a cushion, provide support for those people who may suffer local dislocations because of globalization. And that's something that I think every government has to think about.


There are individuals who will be harmed by a trade deal. There are businesses who will go out of business because of free trade. And to the extent that a government is not there to help them reshape their company or retrain for the new jobs that are being created, over time you're going to get people who see -- who rightly see their personal self-interest in very narrow terms. Okay?


英播语言环境下的中国的话语权在哪里?中国文化的强势如何有效的传播,随着全球经济一体化进程的加剧,国际交往的日趋频繁,越来越多的中国人走出国门,外国人涌入中国,广播及电视节目的双语化播音与主持成为一种必然,通过归纳英语播音的特性与方法,结合具体实例,将英语节目播音员、主持人应该具备的素质,语言表达的技巧告诉同学们,帮助他们快速提高英语口语表达能力,掌握英语播音主持的基本技巧,快速提高提高同学们的专业综合素质。 培养目标: 立志报考大学的英语播音主持专业,将来成为既具有广泛国际新闻专业知识,同时又具有英语播音主持才能的复合型高素质的专门人才。英播培训基础班、英播培训中级班、英播培训高级班、英播培训北京集训班、英播培训周末班、英播培训完美班


WHO Calls for Earthquake Proof Hospitals

   The World Health Organization is calling on nations to make their hospitals disaster proof.
   WHO Director-General Margaret Chan made the appeal in Beijing when addressing the opening ceremony of a World Health Day meeting.
   She underscored the need to improve construction of hospitals so they can withstand emergencies like devastating earthquakes.
   "The tragedy of major emergency or disasters is compounded when health facilities fail. When a hospital collapses or its functions are disrupted, lives that depend on emergency care can be lost."
   The theme of the meeting is "Save Lives, Make hospitals safe in emergencies".
   Chan also offered her condolences to the victims of the earthquake in Italy.
   Parts of L'Aquila's main hospital were evacuated due to the risk of collapse, and only two operating rooms were in use.   




1. Should parents set limits in internet access for their teenage children? Why?

11. Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer?

24. Do you think nowadays the young generation’s life is in fact easier and more comfortable than their elder generation’s?

36. Could you talk about the reasons why there are so many “DINK” (Double Income No Kids) families continually appearing in our society?



How TV violence Affects Kids

   For more than a quarter of a century, evidence has been increasing that children's exposure to violence on television has long-lasting effects on their behavior. Between 1982 and 1986, the amount of television time allocated each week to violent programs increased significantly. And the number of violent acts on television in the past years has increased from about 19 to 27 per hour. Given the amount of time that children watch television, it has become one of the most powerful models they want to follow.   <<<<